Our aim is to spread joy and happiness to as many people as we can through the Murky Gators community. We strive to bring people together and create a...
The investment is in your hands; let everyone else take their chances while you collect the adulation.To be able to own a piece of the DeLotty global...
The whitelisted Sklle's will be minted on May 12 at 7:00 PM EST and sold to the public on May 14 at 7:00 PM EST. Both dates are Eastern Standard Time....
CoinCollect's multi-chain NFT finance protocol removes barriers to entry in the open financial market by allowing traders, farmers, liquidity provider...
Decentralized NFT finance protocol CoinCollect allows NFT traders, high-yield farmers, liquidity providers, as well as developers and Web 3.0 business...
Are you curious to know who these people are?There will be no life on Earth in the year 2222 because humans have been too careless.NFT's goal is to ex...
In May, an NFT PFP collection will be released for early TimeShuffle aficionados.Utility mechanics will be included in PFP NFTs.Become a member of the...
ATCC is a community of traders and investors that support each other, learn from each other, and help each other become better traders in the crypto a...
To create Hedgies Paradise, Ethereum produced and stored 5,500 completely random NFTs in a database. Hedgies are adorable, amusing, a touch crazy, and...
In honor of the club's founders, an NFT collection of 3,500 of the Bullish Broker Club's most successful members has been put on the Solana blockchain...
SunnyDollCNFT is a series of CNFT collections that is inspired by the traditional Japanese weather doll, teru teru bozu. These dolls are used to bring...
The Manny, the Panda collection is a one-of-a-kind set of 10,000 NFTs that feature unique characteristics. By owning one of these NFTs, you will gain...
A millionaire shark doesn't have to live in a tank anymore. If you want to live like a millionaire shark, you don't need an angel investor. The blockc...
At Crypto Cafe, you will have the opportunity to select from a collection of 3,333 Gummy Bear NFTs. As a group of NFT creators, the Crypto Cafe team h...
Crypto Heroes is a group of 2,222 deflationary heroes who give comic books and toys to kids in hospitals to make them happy.Half of the proceeds from...
About:There are 10,000 NFTs in the Whale Riders Club for those who seek a tight-knit group and a steady stream of passive income.The team, which will...
Our vision is to create an Ultimate Utility NFT brand, modelled after wallstreetbets, that will return power to the people by fostering a sense of com...
The Genesis Whale Token is the key to becoming a part of the Board of Governance, a community-driven Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) on th...
The KIDARI STUDIO (KOSPI) Corporation has partnered with META-AIRLINE, a travel and airline platform, to release the NFT film "Hottest Blood". This ex...
Introducing the MAL-SCAN from META-AIRLINE, the new way to purchase airline tickets using cryptocurrency and MAL tokens.By depositing your META-AIRLIN...
The very first Undergrounds Billiards Club in the Metaverse, where anybody may test their talents in an online PVP competitive billiards league, will...
Sushis is a collection of more than 10,000 Sushis that may be used in the real world. In the long run, we're building a robust community.Phase 1This i...
On May 1, 2022, the Evolving Cryptopets Club, the year's most anticipated NFT initiative, will go live. Eggs are available for purchase at the public...
Based on the Ethereum Network, the Ultimate Dwight NFT is a 7,500p project. Insane freebies and insanity-inducing utilities are on offer. Giveaways wi...
This is an effort to raise money for Ukraine, which is now under attack from Russia.Please keep in mind that you are giving money to a third party, an...
We are huge fans of cartoons! An NFT initiative powered by the community, with 6,969 Toon Pals dedicated to creating a pleasant, caring community for...
Whitelist spots for the Hungry Hamster Club are now available! Check out https://hungryhamster.club/ to reserve your place now.On April 30th, 2022, th...
Nobody is exactly what they appear to be. In the Cronosnauts project, freedom of expression is exemplified. As a result, we've chosen to build a commu...
The Golden Lion Tamarin Funky Club NFT collection features 10,000 unique and uncommon NFTs, each with 140 different qualities. Our goal is to help sav...
It is the goal of CGZ to increase the number of women who engage in the NFT ecosystem, as only 5% of them currently do so.We wish to appreciate the va...
Project: Members of the Greenwood District Society NFT would get special treatment from businesses in the five areas of health, wealth, higher educati...
A cross-chain hold will be created with its own currency, utility, and staking in order to collect NFT community hotel points. Social capital, social...
This 9,999 unique NFT collection by Alien Bois will be released on the Ethereum blockchain at the end of April with Rarity Scores and an awesome commu...
10,000 organically picked NFTs are included in Gatsby the Schnauzer, a collection that offers extraordinary utility beyond the purchase. It's time to...
There are 10,000 computer produced bunnies on the Ethereum Blockchain, with 500+ qualities and rarities that will be disclosed in the Play2Earn game "...
This year, in early 2022, the ancient Egyptian pharaohs will come to life on the Solana blockchain. If you'd want to start your very own Ancient Egypt...
Gigants have been dormant for decades, but are now waking up. The Solana Blockchain has received 5,555 pieces from four distinct regions of the world:...
We have a team of founders who are thoroughly doxed and have a proven track record of success. B.A.P.'s CEO, @antmonge, is an Operations and Technolog...