Foxy World Trading Card
Foxy World Trading Card
Apr 20, 2022 - Apr 27, 2022
Marketplace: NFTrade NFTrade
Blockchain: Avax Network Avax Network

The Foxy World collection includes a unique NFT that will be featured in the upcoming Metaverse trading card game set to launch in 2023. Those who initially hold this NFT will be able to benefit from the following advantages:

  1. The opportunity to be on the whitelist and be eligible for giveaways for the upcoming Villain Series NFTs.
  2. Exclusive early access to the beta version of the game in 2023.
  3. A special collectible only available to NFT holders, which is an exclusive Koji character.


Explanation of the Key Terms


A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital asset that is stored on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs cannot be exchanged for one another as they are completely unique and one-of-a-kind. NFTs are commonly used to represent digital art, collectibles, and other virtual items.


The metaverse is a term that is often used to describe a virtual world that is fully immersive and interconnected, where users can engage with each other in real-time, transact with digital assets, and create and experience new forms of content. The concept of the metaverse has been around for decades, but it has gained renewed attention in recent years as blockchain technology has made it possible to create decentralized and open metaverse platforms. The potential of the metaverse is vast, ranging from creating new forms of entertainment and social interaction to enabling entirely new economies and communities. As such, it presents exciting opportunities for developers, creators, and investors alike.


A whitelist is a term that is often used in the world of cryptocurrencies to refer to a list of approved participants who are granted access to a particular event or service. For example, in the case of an initial coin offering (ICO) or presale event, only participants who meet certain criteria, such as holding a minimum amount of tokens or completing a KYC (Know Your Customer) process, will be included on the whitelist. This helps to ensure that only eligible and trustworthy participants are granted access to the event or service, which can be important for maintaining security and fairness.


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