The Relics of Magma - Beta Wave
The Relics of Magma - Beta Wave
Dec 27, 2023 - Jan 02, 2024
Marketplace: JPG.Store JPG.Store
Blockchain: Cardano Cardano

The Relics of Magma - Beta Wave mint is the 2nd NFT mint of L4VA. 

In this mint you're guaranteed to mint a Porta (2,000 total supply) and have a 1:5 chance of minting a Vita (1,000 total supply) for FREE!


Explanation of the Key Terms


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) serve as the digital fingerprints of the imagination, transforming the ephemeral into enduring assets on the blockchain canvas. In this decentralized realm, NFTs represent a paradigm shift where the intangible essence of art, music, and digital creations is not just preserved but also traded with unparalleled authenticity. Each NFT is a testament to the artist's ingenuity, encapsulating a singular moment or piece of virtual craftsmanship that transcends the limits of traditional mediums. These cryptographic tokens are not just pixels on a screen; they are the embodiment of a cultural revolution, reshaping how we perceive and value digital creativity. As NFTs weave a tapestry of scarcity and provenance, they navigate the intersection of technology and art, providing a unique lens through which we witness the evolution of ownership in the digital age.


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