Rolling Bones - Meta Drive Avatars
Rolling Bones - Meta Drive Avatars
Feb 15, 2023 - Feb 21, 2023
Blockchain: Solana Solana

Rolling Bones is a unique collection of 6,000 NFT avatars that enhance the capabilities of NFT cars in the Meta Drive game, and increase the rewards earned by drivers. Meta Drive is an innovative app that blends driving excitement with the potential to earn real-world incentives, often known as the "Metaverse for Drivers." By driving safely on the road, users can earn MDT and DRW crypto tokens. In addition to earning rewards for safe driving, players can also create new cars, establish their own Fuel and Energy stations, and even start their own car wash, rental, and tuning services. The game is also designed to educate users on safe driving practices, making it both enjoyable and informative. All transactions within the game are secure and transparent since it is built on blockchain technology. MDT and DRW tokens can be used to purchase in-game items and services and can also be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges, allowing users to gain real-world value from their in-game activities. Meta Drive provides an exclusive and thrilling way for players to engage with the world of driving while also learning about safe driving practices. The combination of fun, education, and real-world rewards makes it a must-have for car enthusiasts. Holders of Rolling Bones avatars will be granted early access to the Beta version of the Meta Drive app and will be able to participate in Bug Bounty campaigns, airdrops, educational contests, and other exciting events.


Explanation of the Key Terms


An NFT is a one-of-a-kind digital asset that represents ownership of a particular item or piece of content. These can range from digital artwork to virtual real estate, and are stored on a blockchain network, making them a secure and valuable asset in the digital world.


Crypto, short for cryptocurrency, refers to a digital asset that is secured using cryptography and operates on a decentralized blockchain network. It allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries, such as banks or other financial institutions. Cryptocurrencies have become increasingly popular as an investment opportunity, with Bitcoin being the most well-known and valuable of them all.


Blockchain is a distributed digital ledger technology that allows secure and transparent transactions between parties without the need for intermediaries. It is essentially a chain of blocks, where each block contains a record of transactions and a unique digital signature that ensures its authenticity and integrity.


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