Fluffy Bunnies
Fluffy Bunnies
Sep 04, 2022 - Sep 10, 2022
Marketplace: Magic Eden Magic Eden
Blockchain: Solana Solana

The Rabbit project is a multi-phase endeavor to create a unique collection of NFTs on the Solana blockchain. Phase One includes the creation of 333 NFTs, secondary market approval, and the launch of the NFT Mint website. The project aims to maintain the price on the secondary market and hold promotions to attract more buyers. Additionally, they plan to start developing an NFT gambling platform. Phase Two will introduce a whitelist with privileges, a staking platform, and a second wave of 333 NFTs to maintain balance and price. In Phase Three, the Rabbit project will release three more collections, bringing the total to 999 NFTs. They will also launch the NFT gambling beta for holders and release the NFT Gambling Wheel to the public. With these plans, the Rabbit project aims to create an engaging and rewarding NFT experience for their community.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs are digital tokens that represent ownership of a unique asset or piece of content. These tokens are stored on a blockchain, making it possible to verify their authenticity and ownership. NFTs have opened up new opportunities for creators to monetize their work and for collectors to invest in and own unique digital assets.


A whitelist is a list of pre-approved participants allowed to participate in a particular event, such as a token sale or NFT drop. Whitelisting is a common practice in the blockchain industry to ensure that the most committed and loyal community members have access to new tokens or NFTs before the general public.

Solana Blockchain

Solana Blockchain is a highly scalable and fast blockchain platform that utilizes a unique consensus algorithm known as Proof of History (PoH) to enable faster transaction processing and lower fees. With a throughput of up to 65,000 transactions per second, Solana offers developers and businesses a high-performance environment to build decentralized applications (dApps) that can handle large volumes of traffic without compromising on security or decentralization. Its unique architecture also allows for seamless integration with other blockchain networks, making it a promising platform for interoperability and cross-chain transactions.


Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger technology that provides a secure and transparent way to record transactions. It operates on a network of nodes that validate and store transactions in a block, which is then added to a chain of blocks. Each block is verified by the network before it is added to the chain, ensuring that the data stored on the blockchain is immutable and tamper-proof. This makes blockchain a promising technology for industries that require a high level of security and transparency, such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. With its potential to streamline processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency, blockchain is a technology that is set to revolutionize the way we conduct transactions in the digital age.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

Looking for a comprehensive NFT calendar to keep you informed about upcoming NFT drops and projects? Look no further than the RiseAngle NFT Calendar. Our NFT drops calendar features all upcoming NFT projects, including Solana NFT drops, Polygon drops calendar, and ETH drops calendar. Stay ahead of the game with our informative NFT mint schedule.

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