May 01, 2022 - May 08, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

5,555 unique BublleHeadz NFTs are included in the BublleHeadz NFT Collection. If you have a BublleHead, you may join the BublleLand Metaverse Club and take part in community events. The Community may unlock future collections and events by activating the roadmap.

The BublleHeadz Creators' Team. LiAmi, 144Hz, and Aneroos founded the NFT brand BublleHeadz. LiAmi: He is the project's creator and developer. A Bubllez-crazed fever dream infects his diseased psyche. He's the artist, the crypto-nerd, and the company's marketing manager, all rolled into one. 144Hz: Our Discord's creator and artist in one. He just wants everything to go according to plan. You may thank Aneroos, who is our website's developer, for his tireless efforts! Please keep an eye out for additional team members in the near future! So that you may benefit from this effort, we aim to keep our brand alive in the NFT market and increase the value of our NFTs.

This Is Our Roadmap: 

At 10% of total

The first collection dropped (immediately).

At 20% of total 

Making the BublleHeadz more valuable on the market with a 20% airdrop and (we aren’t trying to pull the rug from under you). It's time for a quick task.

At 30% of total

Launching merch and starting the marketing campaign. (Large Project) 

At 40% of total

Making the second collection and airdropping again is 40% of the work. (immediately).

At 50% of total

BublleLand's launch has occurred. (A Huge Project) (Related to the Metaverse) 

At 60% of total

Token launch and a second drop of merch. (Short project)

At 70% of total

Our first comic issue is ready for launch. (Immediately)

At 80% of total

There will be yet another airdrop as well as the launch of the BublleHeadz video game. (Large Project)

At 90% of total

Use your skills to make money. (Short project)

At 100% of total

More comic books. (Short project)

Follow us on Twitter to stay up to date on the latest developments.

Join us on Discord for fun challenges and prizes for the whole community.

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