Apr 27, 2022 - May 04, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Gamification in action. WizKidz is an online community comprised of 8,888 NFTs dedicated to the fantasy realm.

If you acquire ten power crystals throughout this project's Quest of Power, you will receive a second Grand Wizard mutation NFT of your WizKid. The biweekly availability of power crystals incentivizes WizKids holders to hold and truly add value to their NFTs.

WizKidz released their first minigame, and anybody who earns 100 points receives a complimentary whitelist space! https://games.wizkidz.io/ The plan is approximately 80% complete and includes connections to the Metaverse for merch drops and community involvement!

We've collaborated live with some very amazing projects, such as Phara Gods x Chibi Dinos.

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