USS Crypto Pilots
USS Crypto Pilots
Apr 24, 2022 - May 01, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Ten thousand NFT Crypto Pilots (NFTs) live on the Ethereum Blockchain ERC-721 as part of the Universal Space Station (USS). Your ticket to the soon-to-be launched Universal Space Station Metaverse is in your hands with these cards. Over 100 qualities are used to create each Crypto Pilot, some more unusual than others. Blockchain developers and marketing experts join our team of well-known artists and philanthropists. The Crypto Pilots NFT project is not just any PNG-based NFT project. By creating a Metaverse for Crypto Pilots on a Universal Space Station, we want to push the bounds of decentralized blockchain and NFT technology. Holders of Crypto Pilots NFT are rewarded for their contributions to the Metaverse and for interacting with one another in virtual reality using USS Coins as a medium of exchange. Each Crypto Pilots NFT is a key to the forthcoming USS Metaverse, allowing the user to participate in its development. This whitepaper lays out our three-stage strategy for constructing the Crypto Pilots' Universal Space Station Metaverse.

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