Oct 07, 2022 - Oct 13, 2022
Blockchain: Solana Solana

Embrace your uniqueness and stand out with a distinct profile picture (PFP) that's anything but ordinary. Our exclusive Genesis NFT collection, consisting of only 1,234 pieces and built on Solana, offers an opportunity to showcase your individuality and raise awareness about important issues or simply reflect your true self in the metaverse. Our NFTs take you on a journey of self-discovery through remote landscapes, where you can explore your inner psyche through the mirror-monolith. Each NFT reflects raw emotions and raw art in pixelated form, with some being fun, others controversial, and some even sinister. So, break free from the norm and make a statement with a PFP that represents who you truly are. Join our Genesis NFT collection and become part of a movement that celebrates authenticity and diversity.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs are a type of digital asset that is unique and non-fungible, meaning that it cannot be replaced or exchanged for something else. They are created using blockchain technology, which allows for secure ownership and verification of ownership. NFTs have become popular in the world of art, music, and video games as a way to collect and trade unique digital items.


PFP or Profile Picture NFTs are a type of NFT that allows users to display their unique artwork or design as their profile picture on various social media platforms. These NFTs have become a popular way for artists and creators to monetize their work while providing users with the ability to express their individuality. PFPs are highly collectible, with some selling for millions of dollars.


The Metaverse is a term used to describe a virtual world that is created by the convergence of physical and digital realms. In the Metaverse, users can interact with each other in real-time using avatars, and they can engage in various activities such as gaming, shopping, attending virtual events, and more. The Metaverse is designed to be a fully immersive experience that allows users to escape the limitations of the physical world and explore new possibilities in the digital world. As technology continues to evolve, the Metaverse is becoming more advanced and sophisticated, offering users an ever-expanding range of opportunities to create, explore, and connect.


Solana is a high-performance blockchain designed for decentralized applications and digital assets. It is known for its fast transaction speeds, low fees, and high scalability, making it a popular choice for NFT projects. With Solana, developers can create innovative NFT applications that can handle high volumes of transactions without compromising on performance or security.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

Whether you're an avid NFT collector or just getting started in the NFT marketplace, RiseAngle NFT Calendar has got you covered. Our NFT drops calendar features all the upcoming NFT drops and projects across all major blockchains, including ETH, Polygon, ADA, and Solana. With our comprehensive NFT mint schedule, you'll never miss out on the latest NFT drops and projects again.

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