Slurry Cars: Sylver
Slurry Cars: Sylver
Apr 29, 2022 - May 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Project Description

It's time for the first NFT drop for Slurry Valley, our Metaverse game. Each vehicle in our game is based on a real-world vehicle owned by a member of our community. Taking inspiration from the 2005 sports automobile of one of our members, this is the first drop. Our DAO's gnosis secure treasury will receive all income generated by the NFT.

NFT Utility

1. Our DAO allows you to join right away. This means you'll be able to attend live events, enter contests, and help shape the direction our community takes.

2. Take to the skies with your NFTs in our Metaverse game. You'll be able to play all of our games’ early versions!

3. Get to know your fellow students and know that you're making an impact on our future. Our prizes, games, and in-person events are all funded by our NFTs and games!

Slurry DAO - What Is It?

We're a group of automobile lovers from the discussion boards that have formed a community. It's not just videos that we put on YouTube and social media. We also make Web3 content for cars. Discord or are good places to find us. We also have a YouTube channel dedicated to automotive reviews (slurrycars). Thanks!

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