Salty Snail Cinema Club
Salty Snail Cinema Club
Apr 04, 2022 - Apr 11, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

An all-access card to our film club, Salty Snail Cinema Club, is a limited NFT collection. Please find a place to sit before the film begins.

We are a group of people that enjoy film and snails equally. So why not combine our two favourite pastimes?

Free from the old Hollywood commercial paradigm, we want to make our own art and films. Art is a personal expression, and we want to be able to express ourselves through it. As a result, we also hope that we can help promote other snails and their filmmaking initiatives.

Snails are made up of about 30 different characteristics, including eyes, shells, accessories, and more. Snails vary in rarity, from common to extremely uncommon.

All snails are adored by us. Thirty of the creator's original hand-drawn celebrity snails will be available for purchase. The first 15 will be sold in a pre-sale market, and the final 15 will be distributed to members of our Discord if the roadmap objective is met. The most difficult to capture are these.

The slugs' data will be kept on the Ethereum distributed ledger. Only 30 celebrity snails are available for purchase at 0.09980 ETH, while the other 5,030 snails cost 0.07626674 ETH.

To gain entry to members-only events, you must present evidence of purchase.

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