Research Funding
Research Funding
May 01, 2022 - May 08, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Research Funding Club

People who work on a project called NFT want to be the world's biggest donor to universities that do research on illnesses that are the most dangerous in the world.

In Our Own Words

Sean is my name. My mum succumbed to cancer in 2019 after a lengthy struggle. My father died of a heart attack two years later. Some old family pictures my brothers and I discovered made me think it'd be fun to have them converted into digital art and then minted as NFTs. I've always wanted to work in the Web3 industry as a software developer (I've built and scaled Web2 firms). In the end, it was a no-brainer: The Research Funding Club was started by me as an avenue for me to grieve and remember my parents, as well as generate funding for research into the diseases that killed them.

How Do We Identify NFTs?

The Research Funding Club adheres to the ERC-721 standard for non-financial transactions. The first drop has 25 NFTs depicting my mother and father. In total, there are five portraits in this exhibit, each painted by a distinct artist. With five different backdrops and visual effects, each portrait has five alternative variants. Each portrait has a punk-inspired variation.

Why Purchase an NFT from us?

On our first drop, we'll contribute 5% to the American Heart Association and 5% to the American Cancer Society. 5% of the royalties will be donated for every sale following the first drop. This is something we'll leave up to our owners.

Every day that a customer has one of our NFTs, they'll be able to acquire a token from us. The ETH equivalent of the token will be available for trade.

If you collect all five portraits of the same person that we have, the original image will be made into an NFT and given to you.

What Happens to the Profits?

One-tenth of all revenues from the initial drop will be donated to the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association, respectively. 5% of all royalties collected after the first drop will be donated to charity, and our NFT holders will help us determine where to distribute it. In addition to any future royalties, the balance of the revenues will go to the following:

Insuring that future NFTs are produced by reputable digital artists

Finding developers to assist with the creation of our NFTs' RFC tokens

IA marketing team has been hired by the company to help it reach its goal of becoming a major donor to research groups that study the world's most dreadful diseases.

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