Aug 17, 2023 - Aug 23, 2023
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Giveaway $20000

A coalition of 5000 MYMetaSharks on a mission to navigate the world of metanomics in meaningful & impactful ways

Genesis sharks are able to evolve in the evolution chamber to enter weekly giveaways


Explanation of the Key Terms


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have materialized as the shimmering fragments of a digital dreamscape, bridging the gap between artistic vision and technological innovation. In the realm of NFTs, creators wield the brushstrokes of code, transforming their ideas into verifiable and inimitable tokens of expression. These digital artifacts, forged in the unyielding forge of blockchain, open portals to an immersive world where collectors traverse the ethereal valleys of rarity and provenance, claiming pieces of the intangible universe as their own. With NFTs, the canvas of creativity extends beyond the limits of physical space, redefining how we create, own, and perceive art, while charting a course toward a horizon where the boundaries of imagination and digital ownership converge in splendid harmony.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

RiseAngle NFT Calendar serves as your ultimate source for NFT mint schedules, featuring Ethereum drops calendar events, Polygon NFT drops, and much more. Discover upcoming NFT projects and immerse yourself in the ever-expanding NFT ecosystem. With our user-friendly NFT drop calendar, you can confidently navigate the world of NFTs and explore exciting new opportunities for digital ownership.

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