MetaGoblin NFT Presale
MetaGoblin NFT Presale
May 08, 2022 - May 15, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The MetaBlaze crew is a breath of fresh air when it comes to creating vibrant, active communities. As a result of their efforts, their neighborhood has become a really friendly and supportive environment.

While the team is actively involved in the community, they also try to consistently reinvest income back into NFT owners via meaningful projects and progressively introduce new use cases in order to increase the value of NFT holders over the long term.

MetaBlaze fully embraces the spirit of community-driven initiatives by serving the needs of its users first and aiming to provide genuine value for NFT holders. MetaBlaze may be a good fit for you if you're searching for a platform that interacts and supports its users or one that produces long-term value via its actions.

What exactly is the benefit of MetaGoblin NFT?

You may access the Blaziverse and generate passive revenue by owning a MetaGoblin NFT. MetaGoblin NFT owners will get 10% of all royalties from sales of the whole 10k NFT collection on the secondary market.

Once a MetaGoblin NFT is owned, royalties are paid out as long as it is in your possession. To provide optimal value for MetaGoblin NFT owners, these royalty profits are given in the form of BNB coins to eliminate Ethereum-based transactional costs. MetaBlaze has clearly come up with a long-term plan for royalty payments that will continue to bring in a lot of money.

Blaziverse, a strategy-based NFT game, is available to MetaGoblin NFT owners through the BlazedApp (Decentralized Application). There are 50 stages in the game, which are played using MetaGoblin NFTs and MBLZ tokens. Players may earn more money as they progress through the game's stages. Performance-based staking is used in the game to reward players with MBLZ tokens and NFTs.

As a MetaGoblin NFT owner, you'll get early access to the latest features, special events, exclusive goods, and a lot more fun stuff to look forward to! MetaGoblin NFTs have so much to offer that they might become one of the most popular NFT collections in the future.

You'll be able to gather, trade, or sell a precious and one-of-a-kind object. The MetaBlaze team was able to inject new and novel use cases for NFT owners and generate additional actual benefits for NFT owners as a result of your investment. 

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