Illuminated Ones
Illuminated Ones
Jul 30, 2022 - Aug 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Illuminated Ones are a group of 10,000 enlightened NFTs that are planning to seize control of the Ethereum Blockchain... And eventually the entire planet! The possession of one entitles its owner to participate in lodge meetings of the Ones Secretum Societatis, which are open exclusively to other members of the organization. At these meetings, we shall debate in great depth any recent developments concerning our esteemed Order. As a result of the voting that will take place, every one of our members will have the opportunity to participate in charitable giving. The topics of discussion will include determining which organizations should get donations from us and how much of those donations should be given. In addition, this is going to be the site of our clubhouse, and there is even a preview page online for it. Our users can get together in this area to hunt for hidden chambers, play games, or have conversations about their own endeavors or enterprises. Prize money will be given to the first person who can provide evidence that they have visited each hidden location. At various intervals throughout the day, there will be a random airdrop of ETH and NFT for a total of $50,000. When we reach our sales goal, our artist will be compensated to kick off the first wave of free NFTs for individuals who stake their tokens or are listed at a price that is greater than a particular threshold. Stalkers may look forward to our $Power Coin and getting compensated for our use of the name and image of their NFT in advertisements, merchandise, and other uses if they so desire. Stalkers can also anticipate receiving our $Power Coin. Always keep in mind that we are keeping an eye out for you.

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