Hashsavior Club
Hashsavior Club
May 18, 2022 - May 25, 2022
Marketplace: NFT Showroom NFT Showroom
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Hashsavior is a unique digital "Slavator Mundi" from the art world. Hashsavior is a collection of Metaverse-themed masks and strong goods.

The Hashsavior NFT project includes a total of 10,000 unique digital portraits of Hashsavior NFTs.

As a hybrid of digital art and collectibles, the worth of each Hashsavior is decided by the person who creates it as well as the one who purchases it. There are two levels of scarcity in Hashsavior: Many implicit characteristics have been produced as a result of this system that is not accounted for when providing general counsel to the customer. Hashsaviors can be given a name that is permanently stored and public on the Ethereum blockchain using the later-released $HSTC.

Each Hashsavior is a one-of-a-kind work of art, complete with unique features and expressions. With over 200 distinguishing characteristics, they are really one-of-a-kind and stunning.

Any right-click save person may download a 600x846 PNG version of each Hashsavior NFT.

However, the 3510x4950 edition of this game is only available to owners of an HS NFT. Printing the art yourself and using it in your own creations is now possible!

The $HSTC token and HS Club Games begin to take shape. Tokens may be earned by participating in the events as an HS holder.

Trends and developments in NFT gaming: In order to get more $HSTC tokens, you can play card games, change the name of your Hashsavior, or just keep your $HSTC tokens.

The floor will be purchased using money from the mint and sales commissions. Customers who buy Hashsavior now will be entered into contests and marketing campaigns.

The NFT holder will get a total of $100K worth of ETH in the public auction!

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