Grumpy Cats NFT Game
Grumpy Cats NFT Game
May 28, 2022 - Jun 04, 2022
Blockchain: Solana Solana

The Grumpy Cats NFT Game is a strategy game built on a stake-to-earn model. The game is available to all owners of Grumpy Cat NFTs. However, there are only 4,200 copies available for purchase. Mint price: 1.5 SOL

In total, there will be one kingdom and six distinct clans to choose from in this game. There are an even number of Grumpies in each of these six tribes, which are named ice, volcano, sand, wasting land, cyber, and jungle. Very quickly, the gloomy map will reveal the whereabouts of all the clans as well as the kingdom.

When the game begins, all the holders will be able to practically stake their NFTs, and they will continue to get weekly payouts as they have in the prior projects. Differently, the location where the stakes will be chosen is decidedly important in the grumpy wars. To put it another way, Sand Grumpies can be staked on the Volcano's Area, or a Wasted Land Grumpy may be placed on Cyber's Area, and staking is conceivable for any and all other potential combinations as well.

All the owners are eligible to receive rewards simply for staking their NFTs. However, if the same clan holders can communicate, plan, and organize themselves effectively enough to carry out successful raids on other lands or to take control of the kingdom, they will be eligible for even greater rewards. For instance, if the Sand Grumpies were capable of invading other areas in addition to Sand Land, they would generate a greater amount of revenue for themselves. However, it's possible that the number of Grumpy Cats just isn't enough to pull off successful raids.

Calculating battle points on a weekly basis and the overall amount of staking time is also important. Each clan fights with its own commander and possesses its own special advantage in combat. Clans can either prepare themselves to be more powerful or more vulnerable when they square off against one another. Therefore, in order to perform any good raids or defences, the holders need to communicate properly with one another. When all the Grumpy Clans are compared to each other, there is neither one stronger nor weaker clan in that group of six, which enables us to play a game on an even playing field.

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