Earthies NFT
Earthies NFT
Apr 22, 2022 - Apr 29, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

On the Ethereum blockchain, Earthies are a collection of 5,555 NFTs that are all unique. Each earthy has 350+ qualities, which allows them to depict the Earth's many emotions and avatars in an endearing way.

Earthies is one of the first projects to try to cut down on carbon emissions by making NFTs.

As a result of minting an Earthly, you are reducing your carbon footprint. Because Teamtrees receive a significant portion of the minting cost. Our goal is to plant 150,000 trees, so we'll give 55 ETH from minting earnings to Teamtrees to help us achieve this. For ocean cleanup, we'll also give 55 ETH.

Donation receipts and Etherscan URLs, as well as any other related information, will be made public on our official Twitter account.

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