On the Solana blockchain, there are 4,444 Access Keys. Services like subscriptions can be paid for using Access Keys.
Stream-to-earn: Live-streaming and participating in the community will generate tokens for users.
Staking: Users staking their Access Key or $RCR tokens will be paid with $RCR tokens. On a monthly basis, 20% of all in-app income will be distributed to the Access Key holders. Active streamers and all Access Key owners will get Recursion tokens as part of the airdrop.
Community Fund: 20% of revenues are donated to a fund to help students and the community. Take a look at the whitepaper during a live stream, you may send and receive tips from viewers.
AWS Activate, Scrimba, MongoDB for Startups, and Twiilio Startups all provide financial support.
Official links:
1. Website: https://codecrow.io/
2. Twitter: https://twitter.com/CodeCrowCorp
3. Discord: https://discord.gg/qUCsTfSGc8
4. Support via email: [email protected]
5. Whitepaper: https://codecrow.gitbook.io/whitepaper