Chaos Clownz
Chaos Clownz
Jun 17, 2022 - Jun 24, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Chaos Clownz is a 999-piece NFT collection created by a group of brilliant artists from Europe and South America. Clownz was inspired by our deepest fears. Our Clownz are fed up with being shrouded in mystery and only being welcomed once a year. They're excited to introduce themselves to the NFT community, and they're looking forward to causing mayhem in the Metaverse for the coming years! Will you be a part of the chaos?


1. Ensured whitelist for the incoming second collection

2. Automatic admission for this fall's free airdrop

3. Access to the sandbox Metaverse's horror-themed amusement park that we're creating

4. Access to the Clownz Alpha Channel

5. Vote on two new utilities, which may be anything from voxels to merch to royalty splits to free NFTs.

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