Dec 01, 2021 - Dec 08, 2021
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Greetings from the Bear Necessities Sanctuary!

A South African charity called P.A.C.T. (Pheonix Animal Care and Treatment) has partnered with the Bear NFT Project to help homeless and mistreated bears in Phoenix.

Joining the NFT Party will be BEAR. 10,000 of the cutest Bear memorabilia are on their way. Keep up with her on Twitter and join her Discord chat room, @BearBNS.

The most cherished pet of men and women, as well as a constant source of inspiration for everyone who encounters him. Bear, the blind dog who helps us see the big bear picture, is here to introduce himself to you! On Twitter, the hashtags #BNS and #NFT are trending.

There is further information available on the Bear's website:

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