Alpha Quest NFT
Alpha Quest NFT
Apr 04, 2022 - Apr 11, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Alpha Quest is a brand-new NFT that goes beyond art to create an experience that challenges and then rewards you for performing real-life tasks!

Series 1 will comprise 5,500 Quest Cards, which will disclose your unique job as well as the quantity of tokens you will receive if you accomplish it. Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary are the four card rarities. The greater the rarity, the more difficult your assignment and the greater your prize.

Alpha Quest Tokens ($AQST) will be sent to confirmed wallets on a weekly basis and can be sold, traded, burned, staked, and collected. With just one Alpha Quest Token, you may have access to special Discord communities, our Metaverse portal, voting, and early access to future drops.

Collecting more than one will instantly place you on the Token Leaderboard, where you may compete with other members of the community to collect as many as you can. The winner of Series 1 will get a Grand Prize of 10 ETH!

The whitelist will have 150 spots and will provide early access to minting at a lesser cost. For additional information on how to become involved, follow us on Twitter (@AlphaQuestNFT) and join our Discord! You may also examine the roadmap, whitepaper, and other project details on our website.

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