Apr 26, 2023 - May 02, 2023
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Alettis is a new collection of 10,000 free NFTs with a mission to become a timeless brand offering more than just NFTs in the future. Alettis aims to spread joy around the world by donating 25% of their revenue to help people, animals, and the environment. By owning an Alettis NFT, you have the power to influence how the donated money will be spent. Alettis offers voting rights to their NFT holders, allowing them to submit proposals and ideas on how the funds should be distributed. With the community's help, Alettis hopes to turn these ideas into reality, making a positive impact on the world.


Explanation of the Key Terms


One of the most interesting things about NFTs is the potential they have to revolutionize the way we think about ownership and authenticity in the digital age. Unlike physical assets, digital assets can be easily copied and reproduced, making it difficult to determine who the true owner of a piece of content is. NFTs solve this problem by using blockchain technology to create a verifiable record of ownership and authenticity. This means that NFTs can be used to certify ownership of anything from a piece of art to a tweet or a video clip. As the use cases for NFTs continue to expand, it will be exciting to see how they transform the digital landscape.


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