Zombie Culture Club
Zombie Culture Club
Jun 22, 2022 - Jun 29, 2022
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The ZCC P&E game is a strategy offense Play & Earn game that is closely tied to the ZCC universe. The game aims to bring a new way of life and a new choice for the planet by promoting a new breed of mankind that has a different approach to eating, clothing, and thinking. With a collection of 10,000 Genesis Zombie PFPs, the game is set to launch in the 3rd quarter of 2022, and the ZCC universe will expand into digital comics, animation, TV series, and film in collaboration with its holders.


Explanation of the Key Terms


Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a game-changer in the digital world, offering a unique way to own and trade digital assets that were previously impossible to monetize. NFTs represent a piece of digital content such as art, music, or even tweets that are authenticated on a blockchain, making them one-of-a-kind and irreplaceable. With the rise of NFTs, creators can now monetize their digital creations and have greater control over their distribution and ownership. For collectors, owning an NFT means having a verified and unique piece of digital art or content that can be bought, sold, and traded like physical assets. While the NFT market has faced criticism over its environmental impact and high prices, the potential applications of NFTs are vast, from revolutionizing the way we consume art and entertainment to providing a new way to prove ownership of digital assets.


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