May 27, 2022 - Jun 03, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

The video game Yakuza boasts a vast collection of unique avatars, each of which grants players access to a virtual community known as The Gang. This online community is comprised of individuals who are passionate about Web3 technology, creative minds, and developers who work together to bring about a decentralized future.

Members of The Gang are privy to exclusive items and events that are not available to the general public. Upon the release of the game, players will be able to earn special awards and purchase one-of-a-kind items from the E-Shop at greatly reduced prices.

In summary, Yakuza offers players the opportunity to join a thriving virtual community and access exclusive benefits that are not available to the general public.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets that are verified on a blockchain and are unique. This means that each NFT is one-of-a-kind and cannot be replicated, making it valuable to collectors and creators who want to ensure the authenticity and ownership of their digital creations.


Web3, or the decentralized web, is a vision for a more open and transparent internet. It is based on the principles of decentralization, privacy, and user control, and aims to give users more ownership and agency over their data and online interactions. Web3 technologies include blockchain, peer-to-peer networking, and decentralized storage, and are being used to create a wide range of applications, from decentralized social networks to digital identity systems. The Web3 movement is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to fundamentally transform the way we use and interact with the internet.


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