Woke Zombies
Woke Zombies
Apr 30, 2022 - May 07, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are 7,420 different generative NFTs in the WOKE ZOMBIES ZOMBIE NFT collection that may be found wandering the Ethereum Blockchain.

By hand-drawing each of our 420 characteristics, we've created a distinct brand.

ERC721A gas saving contract will be deployed on April 30th.

Because of this, we've been able to grow a vibrant online community on both Twitter and Discord, where we host a program called Twitter Afternoon NFTs Community Building every afternoon at 4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Visit us! @WokeZombies.

Collaborations with other NFT initiatives and one-on-one artists are all part of our project.

Our Lucky Zombie Lotto is just one of the numerous prizes you'll find in our mint. After the mint is sold out, anyone who mints the digits 7, 69, 420, or 7,420 will get one ETH.

Our 1:1s also comes with fantastic gifts!

Skate shops and skate parks in the area have joined with us to help develop a new 30' halfpipe. Due to the epidemic, they've had a difficult few years.

WZ designs will be used on 200 skateboards, with 100 being given out to the local community and the other 100 being retained for use by the NFT community members. Giveaways, raffles, and more!

Our NFT holders and stakers will receive a passive reward for their investment in the tokens. On the website, you may get more information.

Phase two of the Apocalypse 2.0 will have FEMALE zombies or a P2E AR mobile game, among other exciting developments.

We'd love to have you join us!

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