Wizards of Etheen
Wizards of Etheen
Mar 30, 2022 - Apr 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Wizards of Etheen

  • Complete console and PC games developed in Unity
  • To preserve the planet, you'll have to battle against other groups on Etheen.
  • Prepare for mint by reading a novel's worth of lore, and then join the lore after mint.


Etheen has succumbed to a demon.

Cultheer and his family have protected Ether, the most sought-after and powerful magical substance in the wizarding world, for ages. That which has taken over Etheen threatens to use Ether to wipe out the entire cosmos if it isn't stopped.

Ryno, the son of Cutheer, has been sent to the planet of Ronaine in the hope that the wizards there can assist him in his time of need. However, since its discovery, Etheen has been kept secret from the wizarding world, and no one - not even Ryno - knows where it is.

People in the community can read about Etheen's troubled history, how evil took over Cultheer, and how we can save the world by rescuing and reclaiming the Wizards of Etheen in a series of stories.

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