Unsweet Fruits
Unsweet Fruits
May 30, 2022 - Jun 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The film Unsweet Fruits focuses on fruits and the period of time just before they reach their peak level of ripeness. They can be upset, irate, grouchy, or something even worse. Be cautious.

This is a limited collection of 25 unique items that can only be found in Ethereum. They were made by thecesarjarrinshow https://www.instagram.com/thecesarjarrinshow/

Our community is expanding all the time! Join us right away!


To ensure that investors earn a profit and have a floor, the pricing at each tier will be different.

Prices: 1 - 25 = 0.1 ETH

Prices: 25 - 35 = 0.2 ETH


Q1 When selecting fruits for sale at the market, potential fury is a primary consideration. Reggaeton was used on them in order to get them to let go of their anger and then capture it.

Q2 The market has yet to see the first batch of unsweetened portrait drawings.

Q3 New and unusual fruits with enormous fury have been discovered.

Q4 The second and last set of unsweet portrait drawings have been put on sale.

We'll give 2% of our profits to environmental projects run by our partner groups! On the website, you may get additional information.

This is a limited-edition NFT collection designed by a member of our collective!

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