Thomas Edison Phygital LightX NFTs
Thomas Edison Phygital LightX NFTs
Aug 17, 2022 - Aug 24, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Unquestionably, the most prolific inventor of all time was Thomas Edison. With the help of Charmsori Gramophone and the Edison Science Museum in Irvine, California, Luckmon has collaborated to bring Edison's history to the Web3. Son Seong-Mok started the Charmsori Gramophone & Edison Science Museum, which has the largest private collection of items related to Thomas Edison in the world.

The Edison LightX NFTs, the first of a planned series, is designed to illuminate the Metaverse using vintage light bulbs dating as far back as 1880. Even better, 10 Legendary NFTs will be issued with actual Edison's mild lights and non-fungible certificates of authenticity for their lucky minters.

So, it is hoped that the release of Edison LightX non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and physical products will remind the world of Edison's creativity and role in the development of electricity around the world.

Even more exciting than that is the auction of the world's first-ever actual Thomas Edison 1913 Electric Vehicle and its NFT, which will take place on August 17th.

It will be disclosed after the public sale that Edison LightX NFTs have a variety of unique characteristics and features. Aside from that, the collection gives its owners a lot of other benefits, such as the following tools:

They have ownership of an Edison lightbulb in its physical form.

Having access to many Metaverse initiatives. Edison LightX and Edison Science Theme Digital Xperiences are now being developed by Luckmon in partnership with other Web3 firms.

Members will get unrestricted access to exclusive museum events and collaborations.

Access to a Private Edison-Inspired Discord Server.

Morrowbogi and the director of the Charmsori Edison Museum are working on this project together. The Charmsori Edison Museum's director and president, Son Seong-Mok, has agreed to sell 10 of Thomas Edison's original mild bulbs with 1 to 1 NFTs. Recently, he has also partnered with us to help us auction the first Edison electric car as a tangible asset in conjunction with the Edison LightX initiative. In an interview with Luckmon's CEO, David Son, he spoke about the project.

Check out OpenSea on August 17th for a pre-sale opportunity to mint Edison LightX NFTs and become part of history. The public mint is set for September and will be auctioned off in the Dutch style.

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