The Starfall Legion
The Starfall Legion
Apr 30, 2022 - May 07, 2022
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

In the Starfall Legion, you'll find a secluded area.

Space. A barren wasteland where only a few precious gems and unspeakable creatures can be found. Humanity dared to expand its domination to other planets as the Earth neared the point of no return, no longer able to maintain life. Retaining the memories of the horrors of battle.

There's no way to know what they found. In other words, whether any of the survivors were even still alive was unclear. Humanity, on the other hand, has left a legacy. Something that has lain dormant for a long time. Up to this point, for the first time, the Starfall Legion journeys forth into the vastness of space.

In a nutshell, here's the plan:

The legion is the heart of our Metaverse. If you want to know what happened, you must go through our Choose2earn games.

Interactive fiction includes the Choose2Earn games. That is to say, you are the author of your own story! A good or poor outcome follows every choice you make.

It's possible to win large if you make the proper decisions! Making incorrect choices can lead to your demise.

Genesis NFTs collected: 5,500

Date of mint: 4/30 the price is set at 0.0777 ETH.

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