The Sky Swans
The Sky Swans
Apr 01, 2022 - Apr 07, 2022
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Society in Skydas City, a heavenly floating city, is known as the "Sky Swans," a dynamic group of people. They used to live here, dedicating their lives to art, craftsmanship, and creativity, but now they've moved on. In order to attain their ultimate form, the swan sings the Swan Song and transforms into a Spirit Swan.

Diversions from the media and other temptations drew the Sky Swans away from their harmonious relationship. After being caught off guard by a huge cosmic hurricane, the city was wiped out and the swans spread across the world. Right now, they're stumbling throughout the globe, unable to connect with their Spirit Swans but listening to the skies for someone who can lead them home.

There are 777 distinct hand-drawn qualities that went into the creation of these 7,777 NFT characters. This collection is both sentimental and elevated, based on 80 years of music and design. Our website and Discord are great places to learn more about the Sky Swans' goals and plans!

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