The Lost Cats
The Lost Cats
May 11, 2022 - May 18, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are 4,999 NFTs issued on the Ethereum Blockchain, and they will be released in early 2022.

Everything in life isn't always how it should be, and anyone might find themselves without a place to call their own. Is it possible for these cats to thrive after being thrown out on the street? When things don't go their way, how do they keep going and striving?

Cats whose lives have been turned upside down by adversity are featured in the Lost Cats collection, a place to call their own. Would you take a forlorn soul who simply wants to be embraced as a foster child?

The Collection

Each Lost Cat has a unique personality and a story to tell, based on more than 200 traits that vary in how rare they are and how many of them it has.


The collection will start with a private sale for all CoolCats owners and certain whitelisted users (OGs, winners of contests and raffles, etc.).

To ensure that everyone gets an opportunity to give refuge to one of our Lost Cats, no more than 3,500 will be minted during the presale.

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