The Clairvoyant Monsters
The Clairvoyant Monsters
Apr 24, 2022 - May 01, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

It is one of three initiatives that make up a larger project. SYLL is the working title for this undertaking.

The goal of this initiative is to open up the world of NFT to individuals who would not otherwise be able to afford it.

The project is broken down into three distinct yet interconnected parts.

It is our hope that the clairvoyant monsters, our first product, which includes 1,111 animated NFTs, will raise awareness of our concept and open doors for people in need. The Clairvoyant Monsters will be available for purchase at a discounted price on the Polygon blockchain.

Those who own NFTs will have access to all free resources and the whitelist for both new projects.

The NFTs in the second project will be used to build a cryptocurrency, which will be deposited on the ETH blockchain, and the first owners of the coin will receive a specific quantity of free coins as a reward.

There will be no money left over from the first project for the second one.

The third and final project will include a total of 9,999 NFTs, and we will use them to produce a clothing line that will be sent to all NFT owners, as well as begin the development of a video game using NFT technology. If you're an NFT, you may trade, buy and sell. The game's currency will be the clay coin from the second project.

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