The Ant Club
The Ant Club
Apr 22, 2022 - Apr 29, 2022
Blockchain: Solana Solana

Are you sick and tired of seeing the same projects with the same roadmaps only to find that most of them never get completed? My gut tells me that this is the project for you! Allow me to take a few moments of your time to explain the nature of our endeavor.

As a tokenholder, you'll receive a unique set of benefits.

When it comes to vacation freebies and special experiences - AntClub is all about it!

Because of its status value, your NFT will stand out from everyone else's in the system.

There are only 888 NFTs available, so the odds of winning an experience in a raffle are much better. We will conduct more than 100 drawings and there will be no more than 888 holders.

For the winners, all prizes will be reworked to their specifications.

It's possible that we'll include staking in the future so that people may get rewards and participate in giveaways at the same time.

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