The Anarchy Project
The Anarchy Project
Mar 27, 2022 - Apr 03, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The introduction of the Anarchy Project will change the way NFTs are used. The anarchists are battling each other for recognition and prizes, so fight with or against your buddies! Your earnings will increase in direct proportion to the number of battles in which you are successful. Will you be able to survive the chaos, or will it eat you?

Your NFTs will be put to good use in this project. You will be able to exchange your Anarchists for our in-game currency, $LASSO, once you hold one. By fusing your cards with $LASSO, you may increase the total stats and movements of your cards as they evolve. Every mint has a different set of stats and movements, and the rarity of a card is determined by the characteristics it possesses. The most powerful anarchist can be created by combining several cards.

We intend to include 1v1, 2v2, and 3v3 combat as important game types. If you'd rather go it alone, that's OK too!

Rankings and awards will be in place based on your position in the game. The most crucial commodity in ranking bouts is knowledge of your movements and understanding of the game. In anarchy, things don't always go according to plan.

As players progress through the ranks, they will be awarded based on their performance in tournaments with prize pools.

Keep an eye out for fresh and exciting moves and combos since the possibilities are unlimited.

New packs of cards are released every two to four weeks, so you can expect new packs or redrops of old packs with new statistics every two to four weeks.

Detailed instructions on how to play the game.

Random attributes for each card include Attack, Defense, Special Defense, Special Attack, Speed, and Health.

Physical attacks deal more damage and last longer than special attacks, although the duration of status effects and the amount of damage an attack does are inversely proportional to the value of the cards used. When it comes to how much healing or how long your buffs persist, the opposite is true.

A player with a medium speed stat will take the initiative in 2v2 and 3v3 matches, but in 1v1, the player with the faster speed stat will go first.

The stats on your cards will determine how successful your movements are, but you should keep in mind that your moves can occasionally operate in conjunction with one another and that stats aren't the only thing to consider while trying to defeat your opponents. A superior stat card to your opponent isn't all that matters in an anarchy war; rather, understanding what to play ahead of time and which movements deal the most damage will be critical.

A character's primary role is defined by the class structure in which they are placed. Find out what your responsibilities are and how to fulfill them effectively, so you can be the most successful anarchist possible!

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