The All Seeing Lemon
The All Seeing Lemon
Jun 25, 2022 - Jul 02, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The silicone castings of organic items used in THE ALL SEEING LEMON are the first of their kind to be used in a generative stop-motion, mixed-media NFT series. The LEMONs are living in a pop-culture and cult-film-inspired psychedelic fever dream of vivid color, recollections, and optical illusions. They can look into the future and know what has happened in the past.

Beginning with Sam Barnett's stop-motion animated short films, THE ALL SEEING LEMON has been a fan-favorite figure ever since. Emily Rupp, the show's producer, was instantly enamored and viewed it as the foundation for a groundbreaking NFT line. She recruited seasoned programmer James Kessler, and the trio collaborated to create an extraordinary array of animated LEMON creatures.

Sam makes the majority of our materials by hand in his silicone workshop in the basement. He makes a silicone mold of a genuine lemon and decorates it with bits and pieces from old movies and music that he finds in his travels throughout the world.

Our creative software makes new versions of THE ALL SEEING LEMON by mixing colors, smoke, flowers, blood, tears, mind-control technology, and cozy knits.

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