The Afro Roots
The Afro Roots
Jun 10, 2022 - Jun 17, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

This is a set of 120 hand-drawn, pixelated African tribal masks, each of which shows a different part of African and global culture.

African Roots: Why?

Because, well, why not? This is where I come from. There aren't many African ventures in the NFT space. The ones that are out there aren't even close to our level of exploration. With this initiative, we're using NFTs to expand Africa's visibility in the wider globe.

Stories and legends from Africa will be inspired by the Roots album.

That's what we're aiming towards.

With the Afro Roots movement, you'll get access to special information and a chance at winning a bespoke NFT designed for WL supporters in raffles. Holders of the Roots will have a voice in the design of Roots S2, if and when it is released. The Afro Roots Project isn't just a community; it's a family of Roots, people who perceive the world the same way we do. There will, as previously said, be a S2. Therefore, this is a family that intends to remain active even after the project is dropped. So get on board and be a part of the action!

S1: About the Roots

We have 120 items in the Roots S1 collection of African Tribal Masks. Each of the nine base masks has a variety of variants, totaling 120 pieces. The queen's mother, Idia, is shown on a classic Benin ivory mask.

Despite the fact that it has the fewest variants of any item, this piece manages to be the rarest while also having the most unusual background.

Adobe Illustrator and no coding were used to create each piece of Roots.

It's 100% natural and one-of-a-kind!

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