Supernova Tek
Supernova Tek
Apr 20, 2022 - Apr 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Supernova Tek's Tiered NFT Project.

NFTs and smart contracts, like many other new technologies, have financial and technological hurdles that small enterprises in the real world cannot overcome. In order to avoid potential SEC fines and/or community devastating hacks, many businesses choose to forego NFTs completely or utilize normal contracts provided by the marketplace where they mint.

Supernova Tek's tier-based NFT program will protect NFT communities against hacking, fraud, and theft, as will future financing and investment options that comply with SEC rules. Our goal is to help other IRL startups and small companies make the shift to the NFT world by freely sharing our unique smart contract code.

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