Solana Business Cards
Solana Business Cards
Jun 15, 2022 - Jun 22, 2022
Blockchain: Solana Solana

SimetraLabs' Solana Business Cards may be seen here. There will be a collection of 2,222 cards made available. These cards will provide you with entry to the SBC Sales, card staking in order to gain $tokens. The supply side of deflation: There are three different types of card rarities: gold, diamond, and black. When you combine 10 Gold Cards, you have the chance of receiving 1 Diamond Card; when you combine 10 Diamond Cards, you have the chance of receiving 1 Black Card.

What exactly are SBC Sales, then? Holders will have the option to purchase NFT at a discount of up to 50% off the original price. A discount of 10% is on each card. This event is held on the first Saturday of every month only for SBC holders! 200 $Sol will be utilized each month for sales in addition to any and all collaborations that we have for you. We provide value to the various project tokens that you have in your possession! You will have the ability to make purchases of NFT from our SBC Sales using SPL tokens. 

To refresh your memory, Solana Business Cards is just the beginning; SimetraLabs will supply the experiments of others, and you should look at the roadmaps for both organizations (SBC and SimetraLabs). We don't want to overwhelm you with information on features that won't be available to you for some time. We want to accomplish EVERYTHING that is listed in our plan. We are toiling away in the background to provide you with greater functionality! Not only that, but we are excited to have you join us on this adventure through SimetraLabs! It is still rather early.

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