Sanctum In Nature
Sanctum In Nature
May 20, 2022 - May 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The pre-launch sale is where you can get the product at the listed price and date. If you're interested in taking part, keep an eye out for when the whitelist is made available.

On June 27, at 2:00 p.m. CET, the public mint will begin.

SANCTUM IN NATURE is an NFT project that brings together technology and art in both the virtual and real worlds. This project is meant to teach people about activism.

On the Tuscan coast, SANCTUM IN NATURE is an architectural masterpiece that will be the center of the community's activities. It is in a beautiful place overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.

After the monumental edifice is built in the Metaverse, everyone will be able to see, use, or display it. They will also be able to enter all activities and share their stories.

If you're looking for a project that's both challenging and rewarding, then this is it. As a result of the many benefits that will be available to those that join, as well as the true fundamental principles that will be emphasized, everyone will feel energized, excited, and motivated to participate.

Our NFTs show the personalized book that each stakeholder can choose and get, a book that grows with the progress of the community and shows how important each stakeholder was as it went through its journey.

You may learn more about the initiative by visiting our website.

Please help us spread the news by getting the message out and joining our team!

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