Raccoon's Isle
Raccoon's Isle
Apr 08, 2022 - Apr 15, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are 9,999 raccoons on Raccoon's Isle, all of whom live on the Ethereum blockchain. Over 445 hand-drawn qualities of varying rarity from several categories are combined to form it. A few one-of-a-kind 1/1s will also be minted as part of the collection. With a Raccoon, you have access to Raccoon's Isle and all the benefits that go along with it. To help you get started in the Raccoon's Isle environment, you'll receive benefits like a partner, land, and a utility token. Raccoon owners will also be able to purchase the apparel and products we sell here at Raccoon City. There is so much room for growth and improvement. Come on over and become a Raccoon Isle citizen right now!

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