Aug 28, 2022 - Sep 04, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are now 55,555 ProNouns functioning on the Ethereum network.

The original cost to create a thousand is 0.0069 ETH. After the next 4,000 words, the mint is on the house. The first 500 newly created wallets will each get 500 as an airdrop. For the time being, the team is holding onto 55. Also, another NFT that could be useful will be dropped by the air on the first thousand lucky bearers.

Limited access is restricted to approved parties. Each wallet drop contains two mints.

For Degenz, pronouns are the same thing as nouns. By forming a new group of developers, we hope to provide a new dimension to the Nouns ecosystem.

A DAO is a launching platform for members' creative endeavors, and more surprises are on the horizon. All the money made from the initial sale and any royalties will be invested back into the project to speed up development.

NounsDAO is not officially linked to the pronouns being shared, but they are doing so with the license's permission under the CCO public domain license. 

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