Pixel Pizzeria - Find Your Perfect Slice
Pixel Pizzeria - Find Your Perfect Slice
Mar 26, 2022 - Apr 02, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Inspired by Beeple, the Pixel Pizzeria is a new incoming NFT art collection in the NFT realm. 999 ERC-1155 NFTs, all produced at random, make up this collection, which resides on the Ethereum blockchain. Each slice has its own personality and peculiarities thanks to over 75 variables.

It is the Pixel Pizzeria's intention to represent your quest for a perfect slice.

Cute as a Button. Surely, we've all imagined it. Gooey cheese, juicy pepperoni, and a human finger? A piece of Pixel Pizza can include anything and everything. It's all here in the Metaverse, from Skulls to Blunch Bars, Zombie Hands to Beauty Burgers, Legos to Airpods. Perhaps you'd rather have a chunk of rotten cheese on it? Alternatively, might you use a face mask with oil soaked into it? Slices of deliciousness are never far away. Selling a piece won't break the bank because the royalty rate is so low (only 10%).

No one knows what will last and be appreciated in this Wild West of NFTs, Blockchains, and the Metaverse. One thing is for certain, however: Pizza is a universal favourite that will never go out of style. The Metaverse will run out of money at some point since there are only 999 of them.

A slice should be consumed as soon as possible while it is still warm.

What do you want on your pizza?

In addition to admission to Serracha's NFT Club Discord Server, all Pixel Pizzeria NFTs are included. You may sign up and validate your wallet here: https://discord.gg/rvB3HyRgZV

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