May 09, 2022 - May 16, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Oni-nous virtual experiment has 6,660 meticulously made Onis of five various varieties, each with its own vocation and purpose. In the second step, the Onis' bodies will be given so that they may subsequently wander around in virtual space.

The whole set will have seven different Onis, each of which will be sold separately at a later charity event.

These lovely critters will be available for purchase on May 5th, so get your Oni now! There are now 6,660 boxes ready for a new owner! Holders will be able to explore the Oni-nous Park's territories via the eyes of their Onis in the future.

Together, they investigate loneliness. Purchase an Oni as soon as possible. The Sixth Stage has brought you this.

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