Oct 10, 2022 - Oct 16, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Nabu Lines is a thriving community of creators, builders, collectors, entrepreneurs, and individuals with unique perspectives, dedicated to exploring every aspect of Web3 technology. In Line-1, we bring together builders, artists, collectors, developers, degens, and other enthusiasts in a token-protected Discord community called the UNDERGROUND, which serves as the backbone of our group. Line-2 is a genesis PFP collection that provides a fresh identity for our community, enabling us to expand our community with innovative and creative people. Our community's ethos is that you don't have to be doxed to be a legitimate person, as many respectable people are not doxed. We are committed to building Web3/NFT culture through our technology, media, music, fashion, storytelling, education, creator and developer funding, exclusive cultural airdrops only for holders, and more. As the industry evolves, our culture continues to grow every day.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that exist on the blockchain, giving them a level of scarcity and authenticity that traditional digital assets lack. They can represent anything from artwork to music to virtual real estate, and their ownership and transfer can be tracked and verified on the blockchain.


PFP, or "Profile Picture," has become a popular term in the world of NFTs. PFP NFTs are unique, one-of-a-kind digital art pieces that represent a user's online identity. They are often used as social media avatars, and their value is determined by their rarity and popularity within a particular community. PFP NFTs have become a new form of digital collectibles, with some selling for millions of dollars.


Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is the next evolution of the internet. It is built on decentralized technologies like blockchain, allowing for a more open and secure web. Web3 enables users to own and control their data, and it fosters a more collaborative and community-driven approach to building online applications. With Web3, users can interact with decentralized applications (dApps) and access new types of digital assets, including NFTs.


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