Motley Martians Invasion
Motley Martians Invasion
Apr 20, 2022 - Apr 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Get ready for your worst nightmare to arrive!

For decades, these guys have had to cope with the required testing of different fashionable space-grade materials, the compelled usage of space apparatus, and experimental probing. (yep, of that variety).

Without laboratory handouts to fall back on, they've been thrown into the contemporary world with their negative behaviors intact. It's not all about space paraphernalia for some people, while others are just trying to stay out of the public eye. Is it possible that (probing) got them?

Come witness what Area 51's Martian testing methods have inflicted on the world.

Somewhere in the Area 51 Ethereum blockchain, there is a collection of 1,111 Motley Martians NFTs.

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