Moody Bear Society
Moody Bear Society
Apr 22, 2022 - Apr 29, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

More than 300 hand-drawn qualities make up the Moody Bear Society, a singular collection of NFT. The OpenSea platform will be used to sell Moody Bears that have arrived on the Ethereum blockchain in an attempt to find happiness in the Metaverse.

5,000 to 8,000 bears, constructed by a family-run crew, will be our first shipment. We want to be in business for a long time.

We plan to provide a safe space within the Sandbox for the MBS community to participate in activities and giveaways. 

Furthermore, we want everyone in our community to feel equal and free to be themselves without fear of being criticized.

The only way we can accomplish what we set out to do is with the unwavering love and support of our community, which is why we've drafted up our Roadmap version 1.0. On our website, you'll find this.

This event will make use of all available social media channels. Therefore, we look forward to meeting on our project's hashtag #tothemoon.

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