Mar 30, 2022 - Apr 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are 1,099 automobiles in total, with 2 engines, in the Metapiercer collection. Each car has a one-of-a-kind rarity and class that makes it one of a kind inside the NFTuniverse as a whole.

Metapiercer's characters don't appear like animals or any other kind of person; instead, they're represented by a pair of two engines separated into three social classes, each reflecting a different level of rank and opportunity on the railway board.

From a collector's point of view, there are no facial expressions or feelings on display in the Metapiercer collection. It is simply pure art deco futurism. Don't be misled, the Metapiercer has life and the present mood can be observed via its windows, ranging from love, snobbery, and joy to pain and fighting for a well-deserved status in society.

Life in the Metaverse and the collector's line of automobiles are linked through this collection (thanks to passengers).

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