Material World Foundation 1 - $275,000 Giveaway
Material World Foundation 1 - $275,000 Giveaway
May 05, 2022 - May 12, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum


There are 3,333 NFTs in the Material World's Foundation 1 collection. Rather than focusing just on aesthetics and collectability, this piece is designed with practicality in mind. Every NFT Collection has a Recurring Giveaway that gives the holder a chance to win LARGE PRIZES.

$275,000 GIVEAWAY

It is possible to win a role in our giveaway with each of our NFTs. With the release of Foundation 1, we will be awarding $275,000 in prizes. Prizes vary from a Royal Oak AP to a BMW I8 throughout the course of three rounds. At the end of each round, all holders will have the opportunity to win a reward.


The Tier System is at the heart of the Material World. In addition to playing a role in our giveaway, each of our NFTs is worth a certain amount of points. These points add up to your individual score, which we use to rank you in relation to other Material World members. Material World has three tiers, with Tier 1 (the highest) being the most prominent and Tier 3 (the lowest).

What's the big deal about tiers and rankings?

In the real world, your tier gives you access to a variety of benefits, such as free NFTs, private events, private giveaways, and whitelist spaces that you may use any way you see appropriate (but mainly increased proximity to the team and increased engagement from the team, as well as greater intimacy and involvement with the development and decision making of the project). Your Tier increases the value of your privileges.


Early access and participation in an upcoming initiative that we feel will help in the general adoption of the NFT space are just some of the perks we offer our members. You can become a member of Material World to stay up to date on our Foundation 1 Collection and our $275,000 Giveaway.

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