Maimun Ape Social Club
Maimun Ape Social Club
Apr 15, 2022 - Apr 22, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

In a country far, far away, there existed a unique type of Ape that developed in Eastern Europe at some point in time. Our planet has been overtaken by this entity and it is now attempting to conquer the Metaverse as well.

On the Ethereum blockchain, there are 10,000 unique and exquisite Maimun treasures. Several of them are actually unusual, while others are simply a hazard to themselves and others.

Access to unique drops, experiences, and materials is all included with ownership of a Maimun Ape. Members of the Maimun Ape Social Club will be rewarded for helping other Maimuns, and the platform will be built on Web 3.0.

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